Construct an FSDir.
Get the name of this directory.
Get full path of this directory in the VFS.
Is it possible to write to the directory?
Does the directory exist?
Get file with specified _path in the directory.
Get a subdirectory with specified _path in the directory.
Get a range of files in the directory.
Get a range of subdirectories.
Create the directory if it does not exist (otherwise do nothing).
Remove the directory if it exists (otherwise do nothing).
Construct a range from a set of directories.
Construct a range from a set of _files.
Compose path for a _child directory. Used e.g. to allow StackDir to set children's paths.
Implementation of create(). Caller contract guarantees that the directory is writable.
Return a copy of this VFSDir without a parent. Used for mounting.
Access for derived classes to call copyWithoutParent() of other instances.
Directory in the physical filesystem.
Note that paths behave as in the backend filesystem.
For example, if you are working with Windows, paths are not case sensitive.